Cobra Alphas!                                                                             

2 Philippine Air Force F-5's making their first low pass on the final day of the PIHABF air show.


PAF Northrop F-5A on display

As soon as we entered the aircraft display area we went straight to the F-5. They opened up the canopy so I was able to take a pic of the cockpit.

Pitts Special doing some aerobatics!

Maynard Halili brought his Pitts Special to OMNI to show it off to the crowd. He is seen here flying inverted at a low altitude. His show was one of the highlights of the day.

Marchetti on sequence for takeoff
A PAF Marchetti number 4 for departure ready to do some low passes.

More PAF F-5 fly-bys
You think the smoke trailing the other F-5 are smoke trails for aerobatics and not  from the engine? :-)

More detailed pics of the F-5
The first pic is one of the two 20mm cannon's mounted on the F-5. The second pic is the tail scheme of the Blue Diamonds F-5 demonstration team.

PAF Marchetti doing a low pass

This one's for you Snappy!

F-5 making a low pass at high speed

This F-5 pass was I think the loudest of all their passes. Where's the wingman?  

More F-5 passes
The F-5's was really the much awaited event of the day. Too bad there were only 2 F-5's that performed. 

PFSG's representative
Philippine Flightsimmers Group's own Kevin Go in his Cessna 182 coming in to land in the spot plain competition.





































All images on this page are taken by Peter Binamira. Pics may not be used without written permission.